V LOG 003 | Mobile Pub Events | Enzo Garro CT Realtor | Fire Pit Festival Waterbury CT
Click here to watch full video https://moderndaytouch.com/news/the-mobile-pub-events-fire-pit-festival-waterbury-ct-moderndaytouch/
Here is another V-log from Enzo Garro Realtor and video production guy. This was a fun project to work on for the mobile pub events entertainment on wheels.
The party was held in Waterbury CT at Hamilton park for the very first Fire Pit Festival. The festival had very good turn out with a few hundred people laughing and having a great time at the mobile pub station.
I enjoyed working on this project especially because the owners of the mobile pub are two great friends of mine from way back in the day when they started out at Vasi’s restaurant as bartenders.
Im very proud of what both of them have accomplished. They make a great team and know how to compliment all their client parties with the best entertainment right to their front door.
Best of luck to the mobile pub in all future events and if you need to book the mobile pub you can visit them at TheMobilepub
And do us a favorite ! Let the mobile pub know you saw their video! Im sure they will appreciate it!
Watch Full Video : https://moderndaytouch.com/news/the-mobile-pub-events-fire-pit-festival-waterbury-ct-moderndaytouch/
Have video project you would like to discuss? contact Enzo Garro